Understanding your requirements, challenges, and technology goals are the foundation of our customer-centric solutions

When your business systems were implemented you most likely received basic pre-sales and post-sales support. Most organizations have requirements that go beyond those basic installation services. You may be looking for expertise in fulfilling a technology vision, or seeking reliable professional development assistance. Our professionals are prepared to help you assess your technology needs, provide support, maintain your technology investment, and train your personnel with a unique focus in education.

Business software architecture


Software Design

Software development

Enhancement requirements analysis

Projects review and assessment



E-Commerce & CRM analysis and implementation

Web site analysis and assessment

Mobile commerce architecture

GUI design methodology

Enterprise solutions analysis


RFP development

Software package evaluations

Gap analysis

Selection assistance

Conversion assistance

Operations Advisory & Management


Identify corporate goals and objectives

Optimize business value from existing assets

Assess management strength

Empower your workers

Learn from the customer satisfaction level

Process Management


Business architecture analysis

Measure efficiencies

Realize continuous, sustainable improvements

Project Management


Project assessment and risk analysis

Collaborative planning and organization

Meeting facilitation